Friday, November 19, 2010

seneca rising spring 2011.

So I have always been a HUGE fan of Seneca Rising.  I love their edgy but soft wearable look! Check it out...

stay wild... m

Sunday, November 14, 2010

a little something to brighten your sunday.

images via(in order): unknown and fade to black

stay wild... m

Friday, November 12, 2010

wild west.

images via MyBarestyle

stay wild...a 

metallic love.

images via Fashion Squad

These Jeffery Cambells are so unexpectedly cute!

stay wild...a

Thursday, November 11, 2010

american gold.

Love love love it all! check it out here

stay wild...m

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

check it out.

Today when I was blogging, I came across two blogs that looked 
pretty cool.  The first one called Rebecca Amber is written my a mom who 
loves to share her life and her adorable kids.  The second one, From Hazel Eyes 
is super hip, chic and oh so adorable.  Here are a few
 pictures to get you hooked.

stay wild...a

Friday, October 29, 2010

oh so leather.

Cheetah and leather is where it's at.

stay wild...a

fall love.

images vi Fashion Lane

Love. Love. Love.
If you can tell the new LF stores 2010 Fall Collection is gorgeous!
You can check out the rest of the collection here.

stay wild...a

city life.

There are many days that I wish I lived in the city, so many things accessible
 in one area.  You could wear heels every day and not get them stuck in the 
boardwalk.  All your favorite stores would be just a few blocks away,
but as for now im just fine living in a small town.

stay wild...a